I remember Nickelodeon had a field day with “The Fairly OddParents.” Every commercial, special trip give away and promotional item had “The Fairly OddParents” stamped on it somewhere. The popularity of “The Fairly OddParents” skyrocketed only after a year of being on the air. The same airing date as “Invader Zim” is purely coincidence and mostly likely the most convenient for Nickelodeon, but I am, and will remain, bitter about the situation.
Similar to “Cartoon Network’s Big Pick,” which featured cartoon shorts that were then voted on to receive a time slot for production on the network, “The Fairly OddParents” first premiered as a short on Nickelodeon’s “Oh Yeah! Cartoons.” Nickelodeon saw great potential from the animated short and decided to pick up “The Fairly OddParents” as a full time series.

Before we get into my opinion of the show, here is a brief history. If you’re a fan of “The Fairly OddParents,” that’s fine – there are just a few problems I have with the show. I may be slightly biased due to the series premiering on the same day as “Invader Zim,” just 30 minutes later, and obviously doing better in ratings. Now, I will give readers a fair warning: I am not fond of this cartoon. “The Fairly OddParents” premiered in early 2001 and holds the title as one of Nickelodeon’s longest running cartoon series.